So now that I’ve gotten my contract back and it’s all official and everything, I can announce that I have two more books coming from Penguin in April and November of 2015. They’re as yet untitled, but they will be romantic suspense, loosely related to each other and to TWISTED and LOST.

Also, if you’re interested in contemporary romances, I’ll have another one of those next year as well. I’d love to be able to promise you an exact date, but I can’t since it’s self-pub and highly dependent on the schedules of all the great people who help me get the self-pub work to market.

storeenvybanner1_originalTo celebrate all this fun stuff, I am offering 20% off my contemporary romance in both print and ebook (and the sweet zombie short story I co-wrote) through my Storenvy store. Just click the picture at right and use the coupon code 20BLOG at checkout. This coupon expires October 1 at 6pm Eastern.