Ooooooh, Baby! New Orleans is Coming!

Or, at least, I am GOING to New Orleans. It’s not really moving to NY. It’s the Romantic Times booklovers’ convention and I must admit to being a wee bit intimidated since it’s my first time at the con. But be that as it may, I am ready. Or at...

The Dark Side of Marketing

I spend a fair amount of time thinking and talking about marketing. (In fact, if you’re going to be at the RWA conference in NJ in October, you can come hear me talk about author branding.) But I like to think everything I do amounts to “truth in...

Towards a Definition of the Alpha Hero

Recently I had a discussion with some friends on Twitter about “alpha heroes.” Now, you may remember that I have an intense dislike of the “Alphahole,” but there are heroes who are alpha without being jerks. But let me back up a minute. This...

Slip Sliding Away

This is my treacherous dog, Philomena. See all that ice and snow? See that nice path we shoveled and blew for her? Well, she doesn’t care. She wants to jump up on top and run around. Which would be fine, except that at 30 pounds or so, she can go about ten or...