Laura K. Curtis: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Crime Fiction

Fantasy and Expectation: A Ramble

Warning: TL;DR post filled with questions without answers ahead. Romancelandia is fond of self-examination and since I come from an academic background, I often find discussions of what books are or are not capable of fascinating. When Fifty Shades came out, and to a...

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Cattle. And Bananas. And Flowers.

Cattle. And Bananas. And Flowers.

My husband and I have a timeshare and a few years back we didn't use our week. They notified us that we were going to lose the week if we didn't use it before August, so we went on the timeshare site and looked for places. We decided to go to Guadeloupe because it's a...

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Not My Thoughts, but Thoughts I Share

Undoubtedly, the most famous section of John Donne's Meditation XVII is the following: No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory...

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Possibly a New Story?

This afternoon, I sat down to start working on a short story I owe my friend Tommy for a charity anthology. I have no idea what it's going to be about, really, but most of my short works are heavily mood-influenced, and I don't think this will be any different. This...

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Friendship in the Digital Age

Recently, I was talking to a woman I met several years ago at RWA. I don't remember who introduced us or how we became friends, but even though we rarely see each other, even though on the surface we have little enough in common beyond being writers, we follow each...

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I love to take pictures, so on the recommendation of the fabulous Penny Watson, I've added a new page to the blog. I will periodically post pictures on my blog, but now I have a little gallery page (it's up there at the top under Photography) where you can see them...

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